Wednesday, January 15, 2020

elementary particle physics

                              PARTICLE PHYSICS

A branch of physics which deals with the constituents of matter and radiation and interaction among them.

                             Fundamental Interactions

In nature, there are four different types of fundamental interactions. These are:

1. Gravitational Interaction

2. Electromagnetic interaction

3. Weak Interaction

4. Strong Interaction

1. Gravitational Interaction-

It is the weakest of all the fundamental interactions and acts between all bodies having mass and is described by the long range inverse square type newtonian law of gravitation. This interaction is believed to be mediated through the quantum interaction- graviton - which is yet to be discovered and provides a large attractive force between the planets producing the acceleration due to gravity in their vicinity. It is of extreme importance for astral bodies in galaxies and on cosmological scale since large masses and distances are involved.

2. Electromagnetic interaction-

This interaction is much stronger than gravitational one and is described by long range inverse square type law: Coulomb's law. It is due to the charges of particles and their motion. In quantum field theory, it is visualised as an exchange of virtual photons which are the quanta of field. This type of interactions occur in the chemical behaviour of atoms and molecules, Rutherford's scattering etc.

3. Weak Interaction-

The third fundamental interaction, weak nuclear interaction, takes place in nuclear characteristics time = 10^-6 to 10^-10s. The beta decay of radioactive nuclei and weak decays of strange particles are typical of weak interactions.

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