1. E = E0 sin ωt
Here E0 = Peak or maximum
value of A.C
ω = Angular velocity
2. I = E / R = (E0 sin ωt)
/ R = I0 sin ωt
Here I0 = Peak or maximum
value of A.C and is called current amplitude.
3. T = 2π / ω
Here ω = Angular velocity
4. f = 1 / T = ω / 2π
Here f = Frequency
T = Time period
ω = Angular velocity
5. I = I0 sin ωt = I0
sin 2π t / T
6. The A.C. supplied to our houses has
a frequency of 50 cps or 50 Hz.
7. The average value of A.C. over one
complete cycle of A.C. is zero.
8. I av = 2 / π = 0.637 I0
9. E av = 2 / π = 0.637 E0
10. I rms = I0
/√ 2 = 0.707 I0
11. I0 = E0 / √
[R2 + (XL – XC)2]
Here R = Resistance
XL = Inductive reactance
XC = Capacitive reactance
12. XL = 2πf L = ω L
13. XC = 2πf C = ω C
Here f = Frequency
ω = Angular velocity L = Inductance
C = Capacitance
14. A series LCR circuit is said to be in the
resonance condition when the current through it has its maximum value.
15. Characteristics of series LCR resonant circuit –.
v Resonance occurs in a series LCR circuit when
XL = XC.
v Resonant frequency (f r) = 1 /
v The impedance is minimum and purely resistive.
v The current has a maximum value of (E0
/ R) at resonant condition.
v The power dissipated in the circuit is maximum
and is equal to E rms 2 / R.
v The current is in the phase with the voltage
or the power factor is unity.
v Series resonance can occur at all value of
v The voltage across R is equal to applied EMF.
16. Power in A.C. Circuit –
P av = E rms I rms
R / Z
Here R = Resistance P av = Average Power
Z = Impedance
17. Power factor = True power /
Apparent power
18. Cos φ = R / Z = R / √ [R2
+ (ω L – 1/ ω C)]
19. For a purely inductive circuit or
capacitive circuit, φ = 900.
So power factor = cos 900 =
20. For a purely resistive circuit, φ
So power factor = cos 00 =
21. The current in A.C. circuit is
said to be wattless if average power consumed in the circuit is zero.
22. Transformer –
v A transformer is an electrical device for
converting an A.C. at low voltage into that a high voltage or vice versa.
v It works on the principal of mutual induction.
v Step up
transformer –
If n s > n p,
E s > E p
A transformer in which voltage
across secondary is greater than that across primary is called a step – up
v Step down
transformer –
If n s < n p,
E s < E p
transformer in which voltage across secondary is less than that across primary
is called a step – down transformer.
v Losses in transformer –
(a) Iron loss
(b) Copper loss
(c) Hysteresis loss
(d) Flux leakage
v Uses of transformer –
(a) Small
transformers are used in radio receivers, telephones, loud speakers, etc.
(b) In
stabilised power supplies.
(c) In the
transmission of electric energy from the generating stations to the consumers.
23. A.C. Generator –
v It is a device which converts mechanical
energy into alternating form of electrical energy.
v The working of an A.C. generator is based on
the principle of electromagnetic induction.
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